High Water Once Again Folks

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High Water Once Again Folks

New Fork River Wyoming Fishing Guides

New Fork Flooded

High Water Once Again Folks


New Fork River Wyoming Fishing Guides

                           New Fork Flooded

Now that the super intense storms have seemed to have passed from the past few days, we have high water once again folks on the Upper Green River and New Fork Rivers along with all of the tributaries. The rivers are still on the rise so be very careful out there. One of our guides was up on the upper reaches of the Green River on Monday and there was a huge cottonwood tree that floated right next to them. The river is not that wide up there, so it was a close call. Not to mention, the river rose over a foot while they were on it over a period of about 5 hours. They endured sleet, hail, snow and wind which made the experience challenging. The best part of the experience for the client was the fish were on the bite most of the time they we’re able to cast. That was on Monday, June 18th and the client said he felt like he was the only one on the planet that day. Pretty cool.

To illustrate the high water issue see the press release from the Wyoming Game and Fish Department below.

Pinedale’s Airport boater access on New Fork temporarily closed

PINEDALE – The Wyoming Game and Fish Department has temporarily closed the Airport Public Access Area on the New Fork River due to flooding and road damage. The Mesa Public Access Area on the New Fork River south of Pinedale remains open, but floaters are advised that they will not be able to have a vehicle at the Airport Public Access Area, which is the next downstream pull out. The Airport Public Access Area will remain closed until the water recedes and Game & Fish crews are able to make the necessary repairs to the roads, parking areas and boat ramp.

The Wyoming Game and Fish advises people to not float area rivers until they have receded. There are several bridges and barbed wire fences crossing the New Fork and other local rivers that can be quite hazardous in these conditions. There may be additional unexpected obstructions such as downed trees, debris, etc. in the water that can be dangerous as well.

Game and Fish officials will announce the reopening of the public access area when the work is complete.


The Boulder Bridge on the New Fork was passable on Monday and by yesterday morning it had rose significantly as seen in the photo below.


Pinedale Wyoming Fishing Guides

                       Boulder Bridge 6.19.2018

As of this morning the New Fork flows have increased over 2000 cfs since yesterday morning and are running double the 30 year average. See the graph below. WHOA!


Fishing Guides New Fork River Wyoming

                            New Fork Flows

Moral of the story; we’ve either cancelled or rescheduled our trips for today and several of our guides are out today scouting our other options so please call us @ 307-413-0669 to get the most recent update or email; rhett@reeldealanglers.com.


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