Gotta go to know!!!
February 8, 2018
Each and every year we answer calls asking us the question when is the “best” time to come fish and my answer is “gotta go to know”. There is an infinite number of variables involved, many of which we have 0 control over. Typically, we don’t know the exact time, place etc where we’ll be headed on the river until the night before to give you the best opportunity to have a great day on the water. When our guides get off the water each day/night they talk about what happened that day and when and where “it” happened. That way they can assure you will be offered the best possible experience within our control, given the most recent and honest evaluation we can provide. Hence the saying “should have been here yesterday”. We have a lot of folks we refer business with and they are valuable partners. We all share our information back and forth so that we all may provide our clients with the most reliable and current information possible. Here’s a link I use to get the most accurate info:
The clients that are flexible seem to have the best quality experiences overall. Take into account that this season the snowpack is hovering around 125% when last year it was double that amount. That being known and said we still have quite awhile to go until the snow melts off and as we all know anything can happen. What I do know is that the current weather patterns have been intensifying and drastic in relation to the moisture, wind and temperature swings. Check out the two links below showing rare snow events in the deserts recently.
Knowing all of this to be true and accurate, this is why we have multiple river choices/options so that we can offer quality options for each and every trip. So, the moral of the story is; “Gotta Go to Know!”