2017 Solar Eclipse

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2017 Solar Eclipse

Path of the Eclipse USA

2017 Solar Eclipse

                       Path of the Solar Eclipse

The 2017 Solar Eclipse viewing in and around Jackson Wyoming this summer is going to be very, very busy. Our recommendation is to take the necessary steps now to try and avoid the madness by making your plans if you havent already. The good news is, we have still have availability left during that week to get you out on the water. The southern part of Grand Teton National Park is one of the best places in the entire country to position yourself to view this event! On the centerline, the Park will experience 2m20s of totality at about 11:35am. Weather permitting, for folks who want to experience nature while being overwhelmed by nature, this may just be “The Place To Be”….

We have decided to create an experience to view the eclipse from the banks of the Snake River! We are currently working on logistics, ensuring the comfort, enjoyment and safety of our clients. Our preparations are made to ensure that photography equipment, filters, chairs, tables, telescopes, tablets/ipads, webcast equipment, hats and sunscreen are all at the ready for the big day!

Photo of a total solar eclipse

If you prefer, we can get you away from the madness, if you’re willing to drive an hour or so and you will still have a great opportunity to witness this incredible phenomenon.

What is the effect on the fishing, you ask? Well, as we’ve been known to say the last half hour before dark is the best bite of the entire day. I looked up a few pieces of information from the web and here’s a short piece substantiating my point. http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v73/n1903/abs/073584d0.html

Please feel free to contact us to set up your experience @ 307-739-7020 or 307-413-0669. Take care!


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